Reserves Day
Dudley Council is calling out for both local veterans, and people currently serving in the Armed Forces, to come forward to be presented with their special medals and badges.
Sadly the traditional Armed Forces Day celebrations won’t take place this year due to the pandemic but we wanted to ensure that the highlight of the popular event, the badge and medal presentation, still went ahead.
The annual presentation of service medals and badges by the Mayor of Dudley, including the HM Armed Forces Veterans Badge, will instead be held this year on Reserves Day on Wednesday 23 June.
The Mayor of Dudley will host a special afternoon tea for reservists and veterans which will include the official presentation ceremony as well as a performance by the Household Cavalry Band.
People who think they are entitled to a HM Armed Forces Veterans Badge should call the Veterans UK helpline on 0808 1914 218 or email dbs-modmo-vetsbadge@mod.uk to apply, or for medal queries DBS-Medals@mod.uk Veterans need to have applied for and received their badge before contacting Dudley Council in order to have them presented on the day.
Second World War veterans who served on the arctic convoys and in the Bomber Command can also apply for their badge by calling the Veterans UK helpline.
Anyone who has already received one of the badges but has not had it formally presented to them before, can contact Dudley Council on 01384 818186 or by emailing capa.events@dudley.gov.uk to be part of the ceremony.