Fishing at Himley Hall & Park
Fishing times
7.30am - 5.00pm
Adult Day Ticket £8.00
Concession Day Ticket (All year) £5.50
Please note day fishing prices do not include car-parking which is £3.50 all day,
excluding syndicate members and blue badge holders.
Concessions apply from Monday to Friday and apply to:
Juniors • blue badge holders • Senior citizens • Unwaged persons
All fishing during the winter season, from the 1st December - 1st March
Fish Species
Tench, Carp, Roach, Perch, Bream, Pike

Disabled Access
Some fishing platforms are designed for disabled persons. For details of access through the barrier to the Great Pool contact the Park Warden.
Fishing Syndicate
Himley Park operates a fishing syndicate. Membership is restricted to people who are over the age of 18 and who live in Dudley borough. At the present time there is a 3-4 year waiting list for membership.
An Environment Agency Licence must be produced
One person per peg only
A maximum of two rods per person
No groundbait
No keepnets
Barbless hooks only
No bait in tins
No bait boats (a remote controlled boat for delivering free offerings to a chosen fishing location)
Environment Agency Rod Licence
Any angler aged 13 years or over, fishing for salmon, trout, freshwater fish or eels in England (except the River Tweed), Wales or the Border Esk and its tributaries in Scotland must have an Environment Agency Rod Licence. These can be purchase online at the Environment Agency web site. Money from the sale of licences helps to fund their work managing fisheries. Please note that if you are caught fishing without a licence, you could result in prosecution, with a maximum fine of £2,500.